[OFFICIAL!] Attention SG2/DS2 players! Help wanted...
From: jon@g... (Ground Zero Games)
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 07:49:38 +0000
Subject: [OFFICIAL!] Attention SG2/DS2 players! Help wanted...
Hi everyone,
This is a request for help from us at GZG, from those of you on the list
who have and/or play either Stargrunt II or Dirtside II.
Both these systems are long overdue for the release of some
material, and we know a lot of you are keen to see Bugs Don't Surf (the
promised SGII supplement) published. Well, now the FT Fleet Book is
under way, we are starting to look at seriously getting material
for BDS - which will probably be a JOINT supplement for SGII and DSII,
the two systems have so much in common.
BDS will (PROVISIONALLY - all this is subject to change) contain rules
Alien races in both games (our "own" Kra'Vak and Sa'vasku, plus probably
some other "generic" alien race ideas), a selection of scenarios and
TO&Es for both games, and some new and amended rules.
While we'd be more than happy to see anything that anyone would care to
submit for possible publication in the way of scenarios etc., (as usual,
sorry, we can't offer any payment - the publishing budget doesn't
that far - but we do promise full credit on all submissions used), what
REALLY need in the immediate future is for you to tell us about anything
that you have found WRONG with the games!
By this, we mean actual ERRORS - simple ones like typos, inconsistancies
and contradictions in rules and charts, or loopholes that allow certain
players to exploit things that are not in the spirit of the game. We
there are some, of course, and have spotted a number ourselves, but
feedback from list members would be invaluable to ensure we don't miss
anything when compiling any necessary errata and amendments to print in
We're not asking for things you may not LIKE in the game systems; that
another matter entirely, and one of personal preference; we just want to
know of any bits that you feel are genuinely broken, or that have thrown
anomalous results during play sessions. Even if a specific problem has
already been brought to the list's attention and discussed, please
us of it again (with the results of any discussions if possible?), as we
don't keep all messages from months back!!
To avoid clogging the list traffic, it would be better if you could
directly to me at:
rather than to the FT list, unless the point is especially relevant to
discussion; I can't promise to reply to each mail if I get a load, but
input will be filed away for use when we get on to the writing of the
Thanks in advance for your help,
Jon (GZG)