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More Thrust Rulebook found

From: ninjacowboy@j... (Bobby Mock)
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 08:03:00 -0500
Subject: More Thrust Rulebook found

I was in a local store last week and came across a copy of "More Thrust"
still in the gaming rules bin.	I think someone was looking for this
sometime ago. I didn't look at the price tag, but this store leaves the
original price on all their stuff until it sells.

Anyway, Mark Alden (the manager), said anyone could call him, if they
wanted it. The store would be happy to ship. I am sure they take all
kinds of local tender(cash, credit card, your first born, etc.). The
store name is "Book Stan". It is in Port Arthur, Texas, USA (not to be
confused with Cal-Tex). Their number is 409-983-5007.

Bobby Mock
Beaumont, Texas, USA

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