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Games, Schedules and the AoG flame war.

From: Tony Wilkinson <twilko@o...>
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 13:46:28 +1000
Subject: Games, Schedules and the AoG flame war.

	I guess I started the rants and counter rants about AoG for
which I will
not apologise. I may work for the Government but I am not so dumb as to
realise that few production projects (in any industry) actually run to
exactly for which I am prepared to forgive. (Getting projects done on
is why you have project managers, but that's a whole 'nother
I also understand that AoG have had problems that were outside their
immediate control, but then again part of good business is to choose
reliable supplies and subcontractors, but they are forgiven, for this.
	What AoG is not forgiven for is that all of this is irrelevent
for the
purpose of ongoing supply and actual release dates here in Australia.
	The production problems were encountered (and sorted out)
several months
before the miniatures arrived here in Australia. A few of us here, the
lucky ones who walked in at the right time and were quick to get the
out,  have seen the final product. I am one of 2 people (the only 2 as
as I know) that own Minbari War Crusiers here in Sydney. I never saw the
Starfury's (they didn't last long) and there were also some Minbari
and Raider ships, of which there was only ever one batch arrive here.
	Demand in the States can't wholy be the answer. 3 months after
the minis
arrived (and were gobbled up) the actual B5 Wars box set arrived. I saw
which was walking out the door of the "Tin Soldier" under someone's arm.
AoG was having trouble meeting demand in the states why did they sent a
batch of games here? Australia is a very small market and so it should
been no problem to push back the Australian release and send everything
they had to distributors in the States.
	In short I am impatient for a product I have been promised, a
which others are recieving and for which I can see no valid reason for
further delay (limited quantity yes but that I am prepared to accept).
Upsetting customers is bad for business. I am a customer, I am upset and
have no doubt that others are too.
	If anyone feels the need to reply to this then Email me.


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