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Re: Monoculture Aliens, etc.

From: "Steve Pugh" <mafb90@p...>
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 10:25:41 -0400
Subject: Re: Monoculture Aliens, etc.

> Steve Pugh wrote:
> snip <
> > What is the excuse for the Centauri, Narn, Drazi, Draconians, Ice
> > Warriors, Betazoids or Kazon being mono-culture? There isn't one.

> AHA! For the Centauri there is a very good reason. Thye were not the
> only sentient race to originate on their homeworld, and over the
> millenia, they battled the other race for supremecy, and eventual
> extinction. Long years of constant warfare will force a race into a
> monoculture, simply for survivals sake.

The war against the Xon seems to have taken place in ancient 
pre-history. I doubt the Centauri were a unified force at that time.
Did Londo give an exact figure in 'Parliament of Dreams' for how long 
ago the Xon were wiped out? 

It is possible that the Centauri and other races developed society 
and culture whilst they were much fewer in number and contained in a 
much smaller region than mankind did. Maybe the Shadows and Vorlons 
gave some races a helping hand (a la 2001 or David Brin's Uplift 
novels) that resulted in them developing a culture at an earlier 
stage in their expamsion across their planet.

In Trek something like this is quite likely, most planets seem to
have populations in the thousands or millions rather than the
billions found in Babylon 5 or on Earth today.

>  As for the Kazon, the show (ST Voyager) has clearly stated that
> there are many different factions of Kazons, and that they have
> only been encountering a few of those factions.

Yes, but all the factions we have encountered have had the same 
culture and there has been no indication that anywhere there are 
Kazon who do not have the same hierarchal tribal structure to their 

Wow, physics threads and xeno-anthropology threads. This mailing list 
has gone higbrow all of a sudden!

"My theories appal you, my heresies outrage you, 
 I never answer letters and you don't like my tie."  - The Doctor

Stephen Richard Pugh

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