FW: FW: whack a mole
From: Kelly Christensen <kellyc@u...>
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 10:53:44 -0400
Subject: FW: FW: whack a mole
>From: Todd.Christensen@rbcds.com
>Date:Fri, 12 Sep 1997 10:51:06 -0400
>To: bee@passport.ca, ccato!ontario!region!gallienne@attmail.com,
> cherhen@aol.com, chris@tap.net, crush@the-wire.com,
> Jennifer_Hearn@po2.panasonic.ca, kellyc@uunet.ca,
> mcdonalj@cibc.ca, mcgee_capital@msn.com, phillipc@solucom.com,
> Richard_Knock@micnet.micusa.com, tallis.r@pg.com
>Subject: FW: FW: whack a mole
>Return-Path: <Todd.Christensen@rbcds.com>
> ----------
>From: WES
>To: "'tchrist@rbcds.com'" <tchrist@rbcds.com>
>Subject: FW: whack a mole
>Date: Friday, September 12, 1997 10:43AM
>Attachment Converted: U:\eudora\WHACK.EXE
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>> ----------
>> From: Duke, Chris (Camco)[SMTP:Chris.Duke@CAMC.GE.COM]
>> Sent: Friday, September 12, 1997 9:52 AM
>> To: 'WES@bngnet.com'
>> Subject: FW: whack a mole
>> have fun!!!
Kelly Christensen
Account Executive
UUNET Canada
tel: (416) 216-5132
fax: (416) 368-9802