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Re: Faster Than Light Travel

From: M Hodgson <mkh100@y...>
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 08:52:30 -0400
Subject: Re: Faster Than Light Travel

> Transmission as tachyons?  I don't know anything about tachyons
> except they were supposed to move faster than light.	I don't
> even remember whether they were theoretical, hypothetical, or
> fictional.

As far as I remember they are proposed partacles that should happen.
I just don't think they've been observed.

> Aren't the effects of gravity supposed to be effective immediately
> across distance?  So could you postulate some sort of gravitational
> signal that would be instantaneous?

Great so you do something like blow a Sun up, and that's the signal to
attack ? :)

Again this is something that I've never seen anything tested.  ANyone
there read any more recent literature on the theory ?


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