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Re: Star Trek background - Reply

From: Adrian Bruce <adrian@i...>
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 05:36:20 -0400
Subject: Re: Star Trek background - Reply

David Brewer wrote:
> In message <> Phillip Atcliffe writes:
> > Allan Goodall, survey collator extraordinare, wrote:
> >
	Lots of interesting stuff deleted which I think is pretty way
off topic, but.....
> All aliens have inflexible codes of honour and tradition. Yawn.

I wouldn't wipe this out as being so unrealistic! Having lived in Japan
for 10 
years, and being referred to legally as a 'Registed Alien', and I have
to carry a 
card to that effect, there are so many instances here where things are
done because 
'<Japanese> have inflexible codes of honour and tradition'!!! 
Anybody who has lived here for more than 5 years (anything less than 3
years is 
still the honey moon period ) can tell many, many MANY bizaare stories..

My own original Helios Assention notes ( Rising Sun, get it?) based so
many bizarre 
alien behavior on stuff I've lived with.....

> X-Mozilla-Status: 0010

	Adrian Bruce
	Science Fiction Fantasy Design and Implementation

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