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Re: Star System Attack

From: "EPICS: Self-Guided Wilderness Tours" <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 22:17:27 -0400
Subject: Re: Star System Attack

>As far as using Solar System terrain, how about jumping in system
>to the star than your target and then approaching 'out of the sun',
>ought to give you some measure of visual and electronic masking.  I'm

Ya know...that's a thought...

You *prolly* won't want to come literally 'straight out of the sun',
though, if you're approaching a planet with any kind of astronomical
research going on. Trust me on this.  ;-)  Come in off at a slight

>be detectable by spaceborne or planetary based early warning systems
>(optical and electronic)?
>For example: if we knew where to point it, would the Hubble ST be able
>to resolve spacecraft or their emissions at any great range?

The Hubble? Nah. If you get a chance, pull up some of the recent Mars
images we've taken. The resolution is good, great in fact, but to
resolve individual ships....unless they're fragging large...prolly
won't happen (this assumes the ships have masked themselves against
being highly reflective to light  ;-).	We can get a resolution down
to miles, but that's it with what we have available (if you check out
the images of Pluto's surface, we only have a resolution ~300 miles
or so).

Only the bravest try where eagles and angels dare to fly

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