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Re: Faster Than Light Travel

From: Chan Faunce <channing@g...>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 18:16:58 -0400
Subject: Re: Faster Than Light Travel

Chris McCurry wrote:
> Don't forget the Robotech version "the fold generator"
> (much like a recent movie : Event Horizon)
> momentarily folds space-time so that point A (travel from) and point B
> (travel to) are physically the same point in space  that way travel...
> fast...  you could effectively travel faster than light...

Isn't this the same as in DUNE?

Does anyone know if they every said how long distance travel is
accomplished in Space: Above and Beyond?
It is caffeine alone that sets my mind in motion.
It is through the beans of java that thoughts aquire speed,
that hands acquire shakes, that shakes become a warning.
It is caffeine alone that lets me roll the dice.

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