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Re: Faster Than Light Travel

From: "Chris McCurry" <CMCCURR@v...>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 13:50:22 -0400
Subject: Re: Faster Than Light Travel

>>Fortunately, Full Thrust does not specify how FTL travel works and
>>one to use different versions.  In the Star Wars universe you can jump
>>Hyperspace as soon as you clear a heavenly body.  In the Alderson
>>God's Eye) the Alderson Tram points are dependant on the mass of the
>>stars.  For the Moties it turns out that the emergence point was
inside a
>>low mass red dwarf, for Earth it was outside the orbit of Jupiter...
>>   In the Babylon 5 universe you can open a jump point anywhere...
>>   Now according to one of the FT books, you can jump to FTL at any
>>the closer you are to any physical object, the worse it is for you and

Don't forget the Robotech version "the fold generator"
(much like a recent movie : Event Horizon)

momentarily folds space-time so that point A (travel from) and point B
(travel to) are physically the same point in space  that way travel...
fast...  you could effectively travel faster than light...


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