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Re: Star Trek background (was... something else)

From: ngilsena@i...
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 19:43:26 -0400
Subject: Re: Star Trek background (was... something else)

>	That's the main thing that always rubbed me the wrong way about
> Trek.  Obviously the writers of the show have a progressive ax to
grind by
> making entrepenuers into backstabbing Ferengi. They turn the military
> warmongering Kligons and Cardassians.  Does anyone remember that
> DS9 episode were Worf and Dax went to Risa and were forced to save the
> Federation from a bunch of Evil social conservatives. Meanwhile they
> millions of dollars in flithy capitalist lucur. Aren't the Hollywood
> a consistant bunch? ;-) 
> </RANT>

I always wonder at the amazingly hostile reactions people had towards 
even the ideals of Communism.  I can only presume that the idea of 
having to help, co-operate, and share what we can with our fellow 
humanity is complete anathamae to our naturally greedy natures. 
Knowing this doesn't make it likely I'm going to donate the 
money for my next fleet (Sa'vasku hopefully) to charity. 
Maybe thats what up with Hollywood.  Some of them might even have 
some ideals but money soon takes care of that.	 I wish I could sell 
some of my principles for that price too.   Communism sounds like  
a nice system but as with any system as soon as people become 
involved it keels over.  Not unlike some games I can think of 

> > Remind me... didn't McCarthy run all the commies out of Hollywood?
> <RANT>
>	Nope. Thanks to his stupidity and complete disregard for the
> constitution the people he tried to discredit were elevated to martyer
> status and any reasonable form of anti-Marxism was given a bad name. 
> the commies would have wanted a better weapon to vidicate their cause,
> they shouldn't have looked further than old Tailgunner Joe. 
> </RANT>
> Later,
> Mark A. Siefert

Stupidity is its own reward it would seem.  He gave everyone what 
they wanted.  The US got some heretics to burn and Russia got some 

Talking of politics what exactly is the political outlook in the FT 
universe?  Is the ESU dictatorial?  Is the NAC such a wonderful place 
to live?  And what about the NSL and FSE?  Whats it like to be a 
citizen of all these states?  Views?
Niall Gilsenan,
Dublin Institute of Technology,
Cathal Brugha.St,
Dublin 1,

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