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Stars (was: RE: [OFFICIAL] Background thoughts(Size of Human Space))

From: "EPICS: Self-Guided Wilderness Tours" <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 11:57:14 -0400
Subject: Stars (was: RE: [OFFICIAL] Background thoughts(Size of Human Space))

>@:) I understand there are around 70,000 stars within 200 LY of the
>@:) Solar System.
>  Anyone want to give us a count of G-type (that's Sol-like, right?)

Yes, our sun is a G2 V, Main Sequence (dwarf) star.

>stars within 200 LY?  Or other types that might likely be capable of
>sustaining a planet on which we could live?

I don't know of any lists that have been divided up into spectral types
by distance. However, if you're feeling adventurous, find yourself a
of the "Sky Catalogue 2000.0, Vol 1, Stars to Magnitude 8.0". Within you
will find over 600 pages of information on the stars that are 8th
or brighter, including spectral type, approximate and/or estimated
location in the sky, etc.

Note: there are, on average, 75 stars listed per page.	Simple math
for the reader how many stars are listed in that book. Extrapolate for
fainter ones (see Note #3).

Note #2: at a distance of a mere 150 ly our sun would drop below 8th
magnitude and thus not be listed in this catalog.

Note #3: there are a lot of stars that are much, much closer that will
appear in this catalogue (eg, Barnard's Star, for example, is magnitude
but only 6 ly away). Although the majority of these stars would fall
of your desired request range.

Note #4: there are astronomy books out there (I don't have mine handy at
the moment) which do list the '20 Brightest Stars' (and their
as well as the '20 Closest Stars' (and their distances/apparent

During the run-and-fight-and-run-again battle through this forest of
she is finally cornered. Her weapons have been left deep in the bodies
of the
slain or broken against the granite-hard scales of these snakes that are
snakes. Her stand to the death must be fought here. Though her only
are her hands and her deep and wide knowledge of the slayers, she does
fear them. They will die. Of this she is sure.

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