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Re: [OFFICIAL] Background thoughts...

From: ngilsena@i...
Date: Sat, 6 Sep 1997 16:33:12 -0400
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] Background thoughts...

> Date: 	 Sat, 6 Sep 1997 19:08:07 +0100
> To:
> From: (Ground Zero Games)
> Reply-to:
> Subject:	 [OFFICIAL] Background thoughts...

> I've been reading the various threads on "our" background over the
last few
> days with both interest and amusement, and thought I'd like to share a
> thoughts with everyone.
> The FT/DS/SG background (or "GZG Universe" if you like) certainly
seems to
> generate some very polarised reactions, and rattles more than a few
> patriotic cages in several parts of the globe! While most of the
> seem to be in the right spirit (ie: very tongue-in-cheek), I do get
> feeling that just a few people are genuinely miffed by the way their
> respective countries are treated in the timeline!! 

Hmm this begins to sound like a certain like a certain Ambassador 
Molari's quote about letting everyone except the Centauri burn.
In my case this would be everyone except the Irish.  A great pity as 
I'll miss french wine, German beer (occasionally), citrus fruits, and 
everything else we can't produce.  We should be OK for potatoes 
(how do you spell that word?) and Guinness though.  And rain.  Don't 
forget the rain...

People seem to be getting a bit over-sensitive about the timeline.  
Tis only a game.  A very good one mind you.  I find it amusing 
really.  Since most of the rulesets are US based and therefore US 
focussed its something of a change to have a timeline that doesn't 
have that focus.  

> Jon (GZG) - feeling especially patriotic right now, having been
> the Funeral most of today.... Goodbye, England's Rose.

How very odd that Diana of all people should be a unifying force 
around the globe.  Life can be strange.  I live in a small 
(and I mean small) country village and even here there were people 
signing condolence cards to be sent to the British embassy as its too 
far away from any major town to sign a book of condolence.

I see Mother Theresa died yesterday as well.  Another huge funeral 
is likely.  Another sad event.
Niall Gilsenan,
DIT, Cathal Brugha St,
Dublin, Ireland.

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