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United States Civil War

From: "Phillip E. Pournelle" <pepourne@n...>
Date: Fri, 5 Sep 1997 05:03:04 -0400
Subject: United States Civil War

The biggest problem I have had with alternate histories such as
Guns of the South, is the lack of accuracy in the historical analysis. 
those who believe that the South could have ever won, I recommend that
look at the Civil War series that was on PBS.  It is quite obvious that
the North had to do was bring the other arm out from behind its back and
bring the full force of it military and industrial weight to the issue.
	The North had an enourmous supply of troops and equipment to
draw upon.
General Lee knew that he had to maintain the Army of the South as a
intact, because he did not have any ready replacements.  Once it was
During the North's expeditionary campeign, it was lost forever.
	Sterling's rifles would have been captured at the cost of a
Brigade and then mass produced in the very Northern factories that were
true cause of the Civil War.
	If the South had not surrendered when it did, there would have
been far
worse devestation than Sherman's March to the Sea.
	The only chance the South had to win was to capture Washington
or get the
British fleet to lift the blockade and provide assitance.  Neither of
events were likely to occur.
	I too do not believe that the United States, or what is left of
it, would
ever bend its knee to any crown.
	All of this coming from a son of a Southerner...

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