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Re: Free Tex-Cal

From: "John D. Hamill" <finnmaccool@e...>
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 1997 01:22:39 -0400
Subject: Re: Free Tex-Cal

Phillip E. Pournelle wrote:
> At 11:47 AM 9/2/97 -0500, Bobby Mock wrote:
> >This is petition for Free Cal-Tex to be rightfully named Free
> >Its either that or Texas wants to secede from the Cal-Tex Union,
> >it Free Cal-Ex-Tex.
>	  This is interesting given that Texas will starve given that
> provides a significant amount of agriculture to Texas.  On the other
> California needs Texas oil...  Both states could reshape local use of
> resources to make up for lack of the others (California could restart
> reserves, Texas could re-start farming farms near the northern
> but both would be innefficient.  Very silly to make such a decision
> on such a thing as ego, but then Texas has plenty of that to go around
>	  I'm sure Colorado and Nevada will stay with California, we
have better
> beaches...
Hmm...Agriculture, lets see. Cal. grows citrus, Tex. grows citrus. Cal.
has vinyards, Tex. has vinyards. Cal. raises cattle, Tex. raises cattle.
Tex. has truck farms, Cal. has truck farms. The point is moot. Both
states are ag exporters, always have been. As far as other resources go
I believe that Texas has a slight edge in natural resources, and
California the edge in manufacturing, as of now. what we were
(humorously) trying to say is that only a Californian would think that
the term Cal-Tex was ok without checking with anyone else.
P.S. I used to live in Austin, a city that a lot of Californians are
moving to. They spent most of their time driving badly and complaining
that Texas wasn't like California. ;-)

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