Re: Hibernia Forever
From: Rob Paul <rpaul@w...>
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 1997 00:42:24 -0400
Subject: Re: Hibernia Forever
At 02:37 PM 9/3/97 +0000, you wrote:
>> Well I too have a major NSL fleet so I guess that from that I am a
>> of them.
>> >Anyone else? And do we have any seconders for the Hibernian
>> >republic? Free Guinness to all who support it.
>> Free Guinness? Got all my support then. No way they'd ever join the
>> NAC. I actually have a few NAC ships that I intend to paint up as
>> Mercernaries that I've never got around to painting, but now I just
might. I
>> even have a few tiny guinness pictures that I could put on them.
>> email
>Oh dear...Well I doubt we'd have anymore than a few light cruisers in
>this fleet. A few celtic symbols might be more appropriate.
>Of ourse all payment for these mercenaries would have to be in liquid
>form. I must admit I always tought Ireland would probably be more
>likely to be FSE (European Union) than NAC. Not that that should
>stop anyone.
>Niall Gilsenan,
As I recall, Galloglaich were supposed to get 3 bullocks a quarter, one
being pay and the other 2 food! My Scottish Socialist Republic ships
mid-green, with a 2-letter ID code derived from the name, and the larger
vessels bear the old Scottish naval ensign (yellow sun rising from a
and white sea into a red sky). I'm now scraping the cash together for a
order- probably ESU, definitely some GF-range!
KR mentioning asking Himself for his "papal blessing" made me think, how
about the Papal States as a minor player? Probably a core of (crimson?)
ships, plus mercenaries from all over the place. I'm thinking along the
lines of the splendidly terrible old BBC series "The Borgias" (Remember
Adolfo Celi ploting to make people "deh Kink of Nipples"?).
Rob Paul
Rob Paul
Dept. of Zoology
University of Oxford
South Parks Road
(01865) 271124
Once again, villainy is rotting meat before the maggots of justice!