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Hibernia Forever

From: J.Stephensen@f... (Jason Stephensen)
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 1997 18:51:38 -0400
Subject: Hibernia Forever

>Oh dear..I see the civil war is starting late this year. As a matter 
>of interest what is the allegiance of the various people on this list 
>to the various power blocks in Full thrust?  Being rather a fan of 
>NSL ships I suppose thats where my allegiance lies.

Well I too have a major NSL fleet so I guess that from that I am a
of them.

>Anyone else?  And do we have any seconders for the Hibernian 
>republic?  Free Guinness  to all who support it.

Free Guinness? Got all my support then. No way they'd ever join the
NAC. I actually have a few NAC ships that I intend to paint up as Irish
Mercernaries that I've never got around to painting, but now I just
might. I
even have a few tiny guinness pictures that I could put on them.

>Niall Gilsenan,
>Dublin Institute of Technology,
>Cathal Brugha.St,
>Dublin 1,
		 Colonel Abrahms, 22nd Oceania Regiment
		  "He dosen't know what he wants.
			  He's Insane"

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