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Re: USCMC Minis.

From: Stuart Murray <smurray@a...>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 10:26:28 -0400
Subject: Re: USCMC Minis.

>I was wondering what minis they actually were on the page and if or
>they are available.  I'm after these sort of minis for my Kryomek army
>the Kryomek Marines are really hard to get out here in Oz and the
marines on
>that page look much better.


On the main page they are Grenadier from the Future Warriors line, these
are the regular Troopers.  As far as I know there is a store in Florida
(Enterprise 1701) which still has a stock of them ,otherwise you might
it hard to get hold of them since Grenadier US folded.	I've heard that
Italian company has since bought Grenadier but I've no idea whether they
intend to re-release the FW line (a shame it went, in addition to the
tropers there were some super minis in the line).  The P900-M suit is
another Grenadier Future Warrior, Trooper Power Armour.  the C6 HardSuit
a Kryomek SWAT.

Enterprises no is:
phone  (407) 895-5001
fax (407) 895-5468

Good hunting,


Stuart Murray

Department Of Molecular Genetics
Albert Einstein College Of Medicine
1300 Morris Park Avenue
New York 10461

Tel: (718) 430 4289

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