Re: New weapon systems
From: "John D. Hamill" <finnmaccool@e...>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 02:17:59 -0400
Subject: Re: New weapon systems
Christopher E. Ronnfeldt wrote:
> John D. Hamill wrote:
> > Advanced Lasers have a range of 42"
> I assume this to be a typo..... (should be 12 like thew normal laser
> right?).
> If so, it sounds quite reasonable. Iff 42 is right, then it be way
> the top.
> Christopher Ronnfeldt
Actually, the 42" is correct. The reason is in the universe we were
designing Advanced Lasers are introduced VERY long after normal ones,
after all the other weapons have been introduced. It is that technology
level that they are building on, the ability to pump vastly more power
into a beam, the ability (through gravitic lensing systems) to focus the
beam to incredible tolerances. Initially, we had given the Adv. Laser a
longer range, but decided that 42" was enough. Also realize that in the
tech level system we were using shields are a passing fancy, only being
useful when particle beam weapons rule space. At the level that the new
lasers are introduced, most ships have shields; albeit rarely used; but
use mostly armor and other defensive systems for protection. If you
don't like the range you can always change it, but remember, this is a
time AFTER the introduction of the AA battery, with a range of 54". Give
it a try and see how they work versus other systems, as they are more