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Re: Starblazers game -- info needed

From: Thomas.Granvold@E... (Tom Granvold)
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 14:11:03 -0400
Subject: Re: Starblazers game -- info needed

> I haven't been paying much attention to the Starblazers game reports,
but when 
> Starblazers was mentyioned on another game list (Consim-L), I
forwarded the 
> GenCon review to them.  
> Big mistake <grin>, as they now want to know the company's name, when
> coming out, details about the game, etc. -- in short, everything. 
Since I 
> wasn't really paying attention to this stuff, I can't answer their
> Can anyone send some information about this game to either the list or
> personally?  


    Here goes:

101	Star Blazers Fleet Battle System Game Module 1:
	The Gamilon and White Comet Empire Wars Rulebook
	(approx. 150 pages)  $24.95 - should be available now.

102	Star Blazers Fleet Battle System Technical Manual:
	Warship Recognition Guide (EDF, Gamilon, White Comet
	Empire Spacecraft) (approx.  200 pages) $24.95 - available soon.

    There are also a line of Star Blazer miniatures of which most are
now available.

    Contact infomation:

Musashi Enterprises, Inc.
2613 South 30th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53215
Tel/Fax: 414-383-7791

    Check out the web site, it has lots of pictures of the miniatures.

Tom Granvold				       

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