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FALSE WARNINGS RE: **E-Mail Warning**

From: "Glover, Owen" <oglover@m...>
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 1997 06:01:32 -0400
Subject: FALSE WARNINGS RE: **E-Mail Warning**

False Warnings

This particular type of virus warnign is what is termed as a Nuisance
Alert. Aopening an email is in itself not a cause of activating a virus.
Opening an attached document or executing an attached program file may
do so. So please do not forward these warnings to anyone else. Some of
the others you see include the Good Time warnings and aol4free.

Owen Glover
IT Services
Museum of Victoria
> ----------
> From: 	Sprayform[]
> Reply To:
> Sent: 	Monday, 18 August 1997 18:59
> To:
> Subject:	**E-Mail Warning**
> On the company net warnings have been issued regarding a nasty e-mail
> virus.
> _DO NOT OPEN_ any e-mail you recieve that has the subject of
> "greetings from
> your pen pal" or similar. 
> The virus will send its-self to all members of your e-mail address
> book and
> then WIPE your HD...
> Since a news group is more prone to this attack, and we are very
> international in our subbers, I,m posting this 'off topic'. Especially
> as
> I've also recieved microsofts wake up call!!
> Jon (absolutely barking)I'm sure you know more about it than me and
> have
> matters in hand.
> Take care and type with a glove on ! (safe thrusting..  ;-)
> Jon (T.C.)
> Sprayforming Developments Ltd.	[production tools]
>					     made in
>					[prototype  times]
>   'The future is now'

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