Re: DS Universe question
From: Chen-Song Qin <cqin@e...>
Date: Sat, 16 Aug 1997 16:12:04 -0400
Subject: Re: DS Universe question
On Sat, 16 Aug 1997, Ground Zero Games wrote:
> Yes, though very much a constitutional one rather than an
> type. The Royal Family and the Parliament are now both residing on New
> Albion, the NAC's largest prime off-world colony. Each "province" of
> Confederation (the UK, Canada, North America and all the off-world
> colonies) has its own legislative sub-parliament answerable to the
> one, and has a Lord Governer as the local Crown representative.
Why on New Albion, just to avoid the British tabloid press? Okay, the
title Lord Governor seems rather, well, uhgghh....
What about Governor-General, just like in modern Canada. Basically the
Governor-General is a representative of the monarch and has to sign all
new legislation to make them into law. (technically at least)