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Re: Knight Hawks miniatures

From: Binhan Lin <Binhan.Lin@U...>
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 12:51:39 -0400
Subject: Re: Knight Hawks miniatures

On Fri, 15 Aug 1997, Allan Goodall wrote:

> The Sathar ships are a bit different. The capital ship is about 4 or
> long. It has a large central section that's essentially a large blob.
A boom
> leads to a small, flat but round bridge section. A small cylinder
> out the back of the blob. From here, there are eight Star Trek like
> nacelles that are attached in pairs to engine pilons. The pilons form
an X
> shape when looked at from the rear of the ship. The cruiser is bug
like with
> a small rounded head, a long neck boom, a "thorax" and an "abdomen".
> engine pilons hold a round (classic Enterprise looking) engine
nacelle. The
> escort ship has a body section, a boom and rounded bridge section, and
> small engines hanging off one pilon each. The boxed set also includes
> pirate scout ship and a pirate cruiser. The cruiser is a classic
> shape with two "guns" attached on either side.

This set is actually very good with moderate modification.  The Sathar
capital ship comes in 2 mainbody sections and pylons witht the engines.
This can be modified into 2 capital ships with the front half requiring
modification or slight modification (I put an main engine nozzle where
normally attaches to the back half)  The rear half, now without a decent
bridge I attached a Sculpey disk and depending on your tastes you can
2 or 3 pylons.	2 pylons gives an Enterprise effect and 3 gives a more
airplane look.	Final size fo each half is about 3".  The Sathar
are excellent without modification although a bit lacking in detail, but
then that's what paint is for.


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