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[OFFICIAL] Salvo Missiles etc.

From: jon@g... (Ground Zero Games)
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 04:24:00 -0400
Subject: [OFFICIAL] Salvo Missiles etc.

Hi all,

I've been watching the discussions on missile types and rules with
interest, particularly the thread on salvo missile fire, because we have
already got rules in playtest for similar systems - salvo missile
batteries, Jump Torps and other ideas, which we have not yet released to
general playtesting on the list because they are still being "kicked
around" in limited playtesting groups. When we get them a bit more
finalised we'll probably put them on the main list to see what you think
them. We've had these under development for several months now, as part
the proposed "FTIII" modifications, and it is fascinating to see how the
threads on the list often parallel our own trains of thought - guess
all on pretty much the same wavelength....  :)

Please don't flood us with requests to see the drafts before they're
- we'll post them when we and our immediate playtest group think we're
sufficiently happy with them.

Jon (GZG)

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