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Re: Seeking some scenery help

From: trapper <trapper@n...>
Date: Fri, 8 Aug 1997 14:58:31 -0400
Subject: Re: Seeking some scenery help

You could make a cheapo jump gate out of a toilet paper tube (or make
own tube,if a TP tube is too small for the kind of models you're using.
Rolled up poster board works) painted with weird swirly designs (really
vivid poster paints might work,fluorescents especially). The tube shape
this design is handy if you want to portray the type of jumpgate where
trajectory really matters. If you enter the gate in any other way than
exactly straight (i.e.,if you run into the walls of the tube),your ship
crippled,destroyed,or sent to Oz or whatever.

Let us know what you finally settle on!


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