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Re: Valiant Stardate:3000 (was Re: Minis Update)

From: Mike Miserendino <phddms1@c...>
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 09:52:52 -0400
Subject: Re: Valiant Stardate:3000 (was Re: Minis Update)

>>I recently spoke to the folks at Valiant Enterprises regarding the
>>re-release of the old Stardate:3000 line of starship minis.  The rep
>>their stock was currently empty(of which I tried ordering 8 kits prior
:( ),
>>but they will be remastering the molds by the end of summer and
>>production once again.  
>Wow, talk about syncronicity. Um, you guys are probably going to hit me
>this, but a friend of mine gave me a bunch of these figs. Actually a
lot of
You lucky dog!	Free!  Sheesh, I've been trying to find these buggers
years and all I hear is how someone finds a ton for next to nothing and
free. 8) Any chance you feel you might need to unload some of these
please let me know ASAP.

>Does anyone have any information about the alien ships? My friend
>them when they were first released (I've got them dated at about 1978;
>they are older than some list members!). The lead is in good shape,
>only the barest hint of "lead rust." Only one set of Phantoms are in
>original baggie. I have two sets of human ship assembly instructions
>nothing for the aliens. I'd like to know what classes were released for
>alien ships. Anyone have any ideas, or the URL of a sight with these
>on them?

Currently, Valiant does not have a Web site.  I have some printed
from the original ads and listings if you are interested.

>Also, does anyone (Mike?) have any idea as to when Valiant plans to
>re-release them? Will they be the same size, or will they do new models
>up size them?

They will be re-released at the end of summer.	No definite date as of
I will try to keep all posted on this.	AFAIK the minis will be the
only the molds will be remastered.  I'm not sure what plans they may
have to
exend the line.

Mike Miserendino

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