FT Bibliography
From: Tim Jones <Tim.Jones@S...>
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 1997 06:30:40 -0400
Subject: FT Bibliography
On Monday, July 14, 1997 10:53 AM, Ground Zero Games
[SMTP:jon@gzero.dungeon.com] wrote:
> Same sort of theory used in Poul Anderson's THE STAR FOX (great book!)
> the C.J.Cherryh "Merchanter" series (Downbelow Station etc)
It would be nice if we had a more complete Bibliography of Space/Combat
Military SF books. Jon gave us a good start in FT and DS but I've seen
a lot of titles he never mentioned bandied about the list over the
years. It would be nice to have a concrete resource and AFAIK none
of the FT www sites has a comprehensive Bibliography. Something like
the mini manufacturers list.
A lot of the stuff is out of print but a Title, Author, Publisher and
ISBN would at least establish their availability.
Tim Jones