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Ship Designations

From: "Phillip E. Pournelle" <pepourne@n...>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 11:06:08 -0400
Subject: Ship Designations

Don't forget the most important ships in the fleet, Amphibious ships for
landing marines:

LSD - Landing Ship, Docking
LPD - Landing Platform, Docking
LST - Landing Ship, Tank (Actually beaches itself to land tanks)
LKA - Landing Support ship (Cargo carrier)
LPH - Landing Platform, Helicopter (Assault Carrier)
LHD - Landing ship Helicopter and Docking
LHA - Landing ship Helicopters and Assault (5-inch guns for fire
   LHD and LHA have helicopters, jumpjets, and a well deck for landing

These are just a few.  Janes has all of the other designations.

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