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GZG Civilian Minis...

From: Gerald McVicker <gmcvicke@w...>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 15:45:15 -0400
Subject: GZG Civilian Minis...

Gosh...if i just had some school children miniatures for those urban
scenerios and that hostage scenerio I wrote for Stargrunt II.  I saw
in a paper catalogue for GZG, how come Geo-Hex in the states don't carry
them?  I'd love to have some civilians for my games, and NO ONE else
em!!!	Do I have to order these from the U.K.?  Does anyone have any of
these?	They look like a great addition to my Stargrunt II games,
especially when the new ships officers come out or are available.

Jerry McVicker

"Don't worry soldier, weapons will be available in a moment."

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Blackwind and Raddix Gaming

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