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RE: Close Assault and Scenario (Stargrunt)

From: Gerald McVicker <gmcvicke@w...>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 1997 15:27:55 -0400
Subject: RE: Close Assault and Scenario (Stargrunt)

>Well, since this keeps coming up, I might as well explain why I asked
>the question...
>Ok.  As you can see, it's going to be BIG, and a meat grinder.  I am
>expecting the Attacker to have to blow up the mechs with close
>assaults, since there are only eight or so major guns for the point
>targets, and the defender has those huge monsters making craters
>where there used to be assaulting militia...
>Alfredo (small skull) Lorente... ;-)
>Alfredo Lorente
>Minneapolis, MN

Let me make a prediction here.	The militia will charge up the hill, get
suppressed on the way, and get shot to pieces by the defending infantry
mechs.	Let me know if I'm correct. How about letting the militia units
infiltrate?  Make it a night mission and give the militia player
for his units and another half dozen dummy counters. At night, I allow
counters to be checked by using a sensor roll.	Any unit that comes
2 range bands and open ground is automatically spotted and ANY unit that
fires is automatically spotted. Make the defender lax...they're behind
lines taking it easy.  A guerilla strike.


Jerry McVicker

"Don't worry soldier, weapons will be available in a moment."

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Blackwind and Raddix Gaming

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