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FT & DSII - Tournament ideas

From: Brendan.ROBERTSON@E...
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 02:37:57 -0400
Subject: FT & DSII - Tournament ideas

	I'm currently working on arrangements for running both
Full-thrust &
DSII as part of a convention next year. (ConQuest '98) (organizing
	Could I please have comments on any problems or suggestions on
these in a competitive environment.

	At this stage, I'll be using the following formats (2.5hr

1800 pt fleets, maximum 50% points/ships from one class.
Players can bring 1 custom design, standard hull only.	All others as
per FT/MT.
No Nova Cannon/Wave Guns, Reflex Fields.  Most optional rules available.
The format for this will probably be a strait Slugfest with probably
everybody fighting at least once in an asteroid belt.

3000 pt Battlegroup, no Aerospace Fighters?  Designs randomly checked.
Standard Scenarios used with 1 Cityscape/Attack scenario.

Thanks for the help.

Brendan R.
'Neath Southern Skies
Watching the Red Pills Fly.

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