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Re: Star Grunts Point System (Beware flame war erupting...)

From: Mikko Kurki-Suonio <maxxon@s...>
Date: Sat, 31 May 1997 04:51:17 -0400
Subject: Re: Star Grunts Point System (Beware flame war erupting...)

On Wed, 28 May 1997, Gary Ballard wrote:

>Neil M:
> > Just a quick point here in general I think the idea of having
anything 0
> > point rated is a bad idea.

Agreed, but easy to cure. Just assign a minimum cost of 1/2 points. Or 

> > Half the fiun is pitting unbalenced forces against each other.  If
one side
> > wins then trade armies and play it again.  See you even doubled your

> broken. What I find disturbing is the above comment about two forces
> going at each other, then the players switching sides. 

I agree. Speaking *strictly* from a figure painter/collector point of 
view, I want to play with MY figures. Period. That's the reason I play a

miniatures game instead of something with cardboard counters. I enjoy 
painting and collecting the figures sometimes more than the actual game.

Now, some games and backgrounds are generic enough to switch sides and 
still keep my figs. A cruiser-sized spaceship is still a cruiser-sized 
ship. For some games, all the figures are mine anyway. But there are 
going to be problems.

>From gaming point of view, switching sides is a good idea (although
not fair if the scenario's not fair). But from the miniatures point of 
view, no thanks.

-- (Mikko Kurki-Suonio) 	  | A pig who doesn't
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