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Re: FTIII: A Plea to End "Me Too" Firing.

From: Mike Miserendino <phddms1@c...>
Date: Thu, 29 May 1997 16:23:25 -0400
Subject: Re: FTIII: A Plea to End "Me Too" Firing.

Matt wrote:
>	I feel that the standing fire system should be left just as it
>as tactics are indeed the call of the day there.  When both sides 
>fire at the same time and record no damage until the end of the turn 
>then the game because little more than a slugging match, and the only 
>tactics involved are the initial manuvers of the ships before they 
>close to unleash their firepower.
>	It forces tactics even in chosing your targets, and in my
>is well worth the 'slowdown' of the game.  Cut out the tactics 
>firing, and you are left with one sure rule in FTIII.	The fleet with 
>the most firepower wins, every time.

I agree 100 percent!


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