No more GW bashing! Hehehe.
From: Gerald McVicker <gmcvicke@w...>
Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 16:44:27 -0400
Subject: No more GW bashing! Hehehe.
>Gerald McVicker wrote:
>[A whole litany of GW bashing]
>Yes, but if you enjoy their games, play them. If you don't, don't. Stop
>bitching needlessly about them. If you don't wish to put up with them,
>it doesn't mean someone else won't. I just am tired of hearing it.
>> and that as Free and Independent Gamers, they have
>> full Power to play and buy any games system, with any miniatures they
>> see fit, and to change any rules and any miniatures in order for a
>> better game. Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we
>> mutually pledge to each other our games, our fortunes, and our sacred
>> Honor.
>Exactly my point. Just because you play with GW mini's and GW
>doesn't mean you play the same game they do. Anyone who's read a White
>Dwarf battle report knows that the way the staffers play the game
>differs greatly from what sober gamers play. Your message was funny,
>only up to a point.
>Mike Wikan made a good statment. This argument is pointless and neither
>side will give up their tightly held views. In the interest of bringing
>this list back to the correct topic, I will no longer reply to any GW
>bashing posts, but simply ignore them, as my prudent side suggested
>Gary A. Ballard
Gee..I just thought it was a clever parody on the Declaration of
Independence. Besides, you can always skip the messages you don't want
read. I'm not the one who suggested placing a 40k style points system
a perfectly good game. BTW...I love the post...forget who...from the
person that wants to take a million unclothed conscript troopers with
hunting rifles for zero points...Hahahahah...that's a classic. I can't
help but bash GW when you suggest placing elements of a clearly inferior
game into one that works well. I left GW, because of the inferiorty of
the products, now you're suggesting we place them in these games? I
think so! Besides, how can you be so sure about the difficulty in
making a
scenerio when you haven't even played the game yet? Is there no one
can try it out with? If you're anywhere near me, I'd be glad to play.
really not that bad of a guy, I just hate GW. I started following them
over 10 years ago..and somehow I feel empty, like God has just up and
died...well...O.K. it's not that dramatic. After playing my FIRST game
Stargrunt...I sold over ten years worth of 40K stuff...all of it. If I
want to bitch a little about the bad qualities of a broken game creeping
into my new hobby, I think I have earned the right. Actually, I argee.
am much more interested in discussing Stargrunt and other current GZG
games, so I will drop the GW bashing, but if people insist in trying to
interject GW ideas into these games...I have to scream. Now...I have an
entire platoon of Neu Swabian, with APC's and Air support, anyone want
Jerry McVicker
"Don't worry soldier, weapons will be available in a moment."
Blackwind and Raddix Gaming