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Re: FTIII: A Plea to End "Me Too" Firing.

From: Allan Goodall <agoodall@s...>
Date: Mon, 26 May 1997 22:53:03 -0400
Subject: Re: FTIII: A Plea to End "Me Too" Firing.

At 09:10 PM 5/26/97 -0400, Brian wrote:
>I began to play full thrust because of the simplicity and small amount
>record keeping. 

Same here.

>If it is to be required to record firing orders you should be
>able to declare opportunity fire with a -1 penalty for a snap shot, to
>duplicate a quick response to enemy fire.

I take it that you mean opportunity fire allows you to fire at any
regardless of whether or not it was the plotted target? I think the
would work but I don't really think it gains you anything. You might
that the majority of shots are fired with the penalty. And the penalty
have to be defined differently for every weapon system. This would muddy
what is currently a very clean system.

Allan Goodall: 
"You'll want to hear about my new obsession.
 I'm riding high upon a deep depression. 
 I'm only happy when it rains."    - Garbage

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