MZ Campaing Report
From: Mikko Kurki-Suonio <maxxon@s...>
Date: Sat, 24 May 1997 06:31:38 -0400
Subject: MZ Campaing Report
Another week, another skirmish:
Norwegian elite cloak cruisers waylay a PanMa group of 2 BBs and a CVL
returning to Mars.
PanMans immediately adopt a hedgehog defense -- stopping completely and
deploying panzer screen. Norwegians enter cloaked and start to circle
prey. PanMans try to anticipate their movements and bring the heavies to
A few circlings later, one BB is critically wounded, but none of the
cloak cruisers have escaped damage. The CVL starts to disengage. The
critical blow comes when Norwegians miscalculate their cloak movement
pop out in the firing arcs of the undamaged BB. One cruiser loses its
cloaking device, which spells its doom.
The damaged cruiser is put out of its misery, but the two remaining ones
start to pursue the CVL. Overoptimized, as PanMan designs tend to be,
CVL has no guns and only interceptors -- it is utterly incapable of
engaging enemy ships. It executes a very wide circle while the undamaged
BB tries to come to help. Luckily, the Norwegians again miscalculate
their 6-turn cloak movement and miss the CVL, so they can only score
minor damage before the BB is in AA-battery range. Norwegians cloak
and skip past the BB to destroy its crippled sistership.
PanMans decide to stop and form hedgehog again. Looking at the sorry
shape their ships are in, Norwegians decide to disengage, ending the
Notes: This was the longest, in terms of turns, FT game I've ever
It went on for over 40 turns. It also spanned several gaming tables,
roughly a 300"x300" area. Luckily there weren't any more ships, or this
would have been impossible to play.
This battle really made us think about switching to centimeters. I just
need to paint smaller ships... And I'm a bit worried about the extra
needed with such a small measurement. With inches, if you knock over a
and replace it a base length away from the real position, it's not such
big deal. With cm, the displacement is half the optimal range of many
The hedgehog defense is nasty. If the opponent has screen and gunnery
supremacy, it almost completely negates any maneuver advantage you might
have. Apart from the nova&wave stuff I don't allow, missiles seem the
only good way to break it -- but an attached CV with decks full of
interceptors makes short work of that idea. You'd have to have panzers
your own, kill the panzer screen first, and then hit with the missiles.
In fact, I'm beginning to think this may be the most effective way to
deploy the Thr2 behemoths for defense.
-- (Mikko Kurki-Suonio) | A pig who doesn't
+358 50 5596411 GSM +358 9 80926 78/FAX 81/Voice | is just an ordinary
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