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Fw: Missile Question

From: "Roger Gerrish" <Roger.Gerrish@b...>
Date: Fri, 16 May 1997 13:34:38 -0400
Subject: Fw: Missile Question

> From: Ground Zero Games <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: Missile Question
> Date: 16 May 1997 14:13
> >I have a question about missiles.
> >   Can misiles stop and turn any amount as ships can or are they
> >the 
> >2 point turn even if stationary?
> Hmmm... interesting one (not thought about it before). Is it worth
> one turn's worth of movement/endurance on the missile in order to make
> radical course change? Thoughts, anyone?
> Jon (GZG)

A player in our group used that tactic to attempt to damage ships that
following him. He had a cruiser armed with missiles and was being
by some smaller more manoeverable ships which he couldn't get out of the
'blind spot' (he had to keep up his speed as part of the scenario) He
launched missiles and moved them forward ahead of his ships final move
position that turn. On the 2nd turn the missiles did not move but turned
nearly 360'. On the 3rd turn they moved to an intercept and attack
on the pursuers.
In this case one of the pursuers were destroyed.

I've only seen this once in any of the games we played, but we thought
was a valid tactic and games mechanic.


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