Re: Silly DS2 Q for Jon
From: Brian Lojeck <lojeck@r...>
Date: Thu, 15 May 1997 15:05:05 -0400
Subject: Re: Silly DS2 Q for Jon
> rules (pg23), all such fire teams must stay in base to base contact
> they're just a squad stand made up of smaller stands). If I play with
> squad level stands am I hurting myself when it comes to C checks,
> loss, under fire status, etc. because I am attributing these things to
> entire squad instead of just a fire team? Should I adjust anything or
> the fact that both sides are equally effected balance everything out
> fine?
I'd say your hurting yourself only because infantry suddenly dies much
faster. Infantries one saving grace is that they are a real pain in the
ass to clear out of terrain, and moderatly dangerous as well... if you
take off 3 fire teams as a single base, your infantry just became 1/3 as
unless I misunderstand what you're doing...
> Thanks,
> -----
> Paul J. Calvi Jr.
> "Objective, Offense, Mass, Economy of Force, Maneuver, Unity of
> Security, Surprise, Simplicity"
> 15SEP16
Brian Lojeck
Entertainment Technology Center