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Re: Cool FT Book

From: "You're an annoying bunch...but you're cute." <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Thu, 15 May 1997 08:28:42 -0400
Subject: Re: Cool FT Book

>I've begun reading 

Just finished last night, myself.

>a good space opera with a FT style (actually shades of

'Shades'?? Hee. No, it *is* Starfire.

>It's "In Death Ground" by David Weber and Steve White. I think
>any FT fan would like it. Does anyone know if the other two, earlier,
>in the series are similar?

Yes, verily. 'Crusade' is essentially a prequal and 'Insurrection'
'In Death Ground' at a later time (but don't remember how far down the
timeline it goes). 'Crusade' covers the Theban War that is occassionally
mentioned in 'In Death Ground'. I like the books, but my only
is that ofttimes Weber doesn't finish his battles. He sets 'em up
develops them nicely, gives a nice tension to the flow of the battle,
good detail as to how things are coming and going, and
Sometime later. The battle is long over and characters 'look back' on

To be fair he doesn't do this all the time, but often enough to make it
annoying for me.  :-/  Other than that, yes, I recommend the other two
books, also. I liked them.

I'm not giving in to security under pressure,
I'm not missing out on the promise of adventure,
I'm not giving up on implausible dreams -
Experience to extremes...experience to extremes....
					   Rush - "The Enemy Within"

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