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Re: Missile Defense for stations

From: Eric Fialkowski <ericski@m...>
Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 01:35:37 -0400
Subject: Re: Missile Defense for stations

At 12:46 AM 5/13/97 -0400, you wrote:
>I believe the the base being a stationary platform should be given a
>bonus as a stable weapons platform.

So do I.

>All beam weapons mounted gain a additional 4 inches in each range band.


I added an extra 6 inches.  If calculations are right, this gives AA
bateries the same range as missiles.

>Additionally all beam batteries may fire at missiles to there full
>but require a 6 to kill the target. When firing in this mode one beam
>gets 1D6. Its harder to track with a bigger beam as the range shortens
>(AA batteries can't burn out).

Also, I give them twice the boarding parties.  We haven't had a chance
really play test this, but we like the feel.  Now that school is two
from being done, we should have the chance to test it out.

    +------------+	       +----------------+
   +		 Eric Fialkowski	       +
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