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Re: Bogey Markers

From: Mike Miserendino <phddms1@c...>
Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 09:34:08 -0400
Subject: Re: Bogey Markers

Sandy Goh wrote:
>Unless the game rules include hidden SSDs (ship record forms) there is
>no reason not to justify differentiating between a CVL and a CL, or
>whatvever. Otherwise it's all rather pointless.

Sure there is.	The discussion is about bogeys.  Unidentified targets. 
definition is more than self-explanatory.  If the label helps you
identify a
ship size, fine.  If you classify the bogey as a CVL or CL or whatever
might give away more information than what it is required.  Maybe your
DD is
actually a "Star Cruiser" or something other than a DD after all.  If
state it is of DD size, you are narrowing down the size range
considerably from just an escort.  A simpler classification would only
away the general size category, adding a more unknown element to the
game as
a bogey suggests.

>Ideally you want some kind of "tactical intelligence" which allows you
>to gradually ID ships with range. e.g.
>144+	number of ships and size (s, m, l)
>96	hull type (escort, cruiser, capital)
>48	military or commerical (i.e does it have lots of guns or does
>	it have cargo doors)
>36	number of 'a' batteries
>12	can look at SSD sheet

This looks interesting and makes sense.  I would like to see something
this to enhance the use of sensor rules.

Mike Miserendino

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