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Re: Sand

From: Mikko Kurki-Suonio <maxxon@s...>
Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 04:03:38 -0400
Subject: Re: Sand

On Thu, 8 May 1997, Phillip E. Pournelle wrote:

>	  Welcome to the arms race...	We're trying to build a game
here, but
> I keep seeing a bate and switch in your arguments.  On the one hand
you want
> realism, then suddenly its not so fun as a game anymore...  Either
there are
> limits to the game (they may even seem artifical) or it is a
> (something Jon never meant FT to be).

Speaking for myself, I like to play a game that is both simple and
like basic FT is, and that has a significant suspension of disbelief 
factor, like FT has for the most part. It models space opera "reality" 
pretty well.

It's the suspension of disbelief thing where I must consider realism
at times. IMHO, the game must have strong internal logic to be 
enjoyable. One can explain inconsistency with more advanced scientific 
concepts with some PSB, but screwing around things like basic geometry 
can destroy the game's believability fast.

As for the arms race bit, I used to play a lot of Car Wars before I got 
tired of the arms race. Games from a certain unnamed manufacturer of 
miniatures also have a strong arms race component, which is one reason I

don't like them.

Certainly an arms race is realistic, if you're portraying the passing of

time in a game world. If you want that, you can assign existing
tech levels or something. 

But when the arms race is solely tied to the publication of new
supplements, I'm against it. Even if those supplements are free.
It unnecessarily creates must-have items and the need to follow
the "technological progression".

>	  I know for my part you have burned a lot of credability in
> group using this technique.  Please reconsider your arguments before
> send them and the SPCA starts looking for the horse corpses.
Sorry for my ignorance, but what's SPCA?

-- (Mikko Kurki-Suonio) 	  | A pig who doesn't
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