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Re: when do fighters move

From: Sandy Goh <sandy@a...>
Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 20:04:28 -0400
Subject: Re: when do fighters move

On Tue, 6 May 1997 00:40:22 -0600, you wrote:

>Be nice if there was some sort of "datalink" that let you fire 2 or
>more ships simultaneously, like Starfire (which is quite a good game).
>I suspect datalink would be a special type of FireCon. Datalink
>FireCon perhaps. Ships with synchronised datalink firecons could fire
>together, but you couldn't put more than 2-4 ships in the system and
>you would have to predesignate the groups. Would make taking out those
>awful level-3 screen ships easier (wreck cruisers too). I'll leave
>someone else to work out the stats.

>I have been thinking about a ship system that would be kinda like what
>are talking about.  I have been calling it the SpWACS ("spaywacks"). 

I would prefer SWAC but it may remind too many folks here of SFB. I
don't have a problem with that but there are some real weird guys out

If the SWAC is just a distributed firecon, then why is it limited to
one type of weapon? A normal (non distributed) firecon can control
both pulse torps and beam batteries.

>My main insperation (other than the AWACS) was the Imperial
>targetting ships from Space Fleet.  That is what I invision a SpWACS
>looking like (covered with sensor domes and various other targiting

It's OK but the constellation targeting ship and the castellan shield
ship were quite badly broken from a game mechanics point of view.

Sandy Goh (

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