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Re: Fw: Weapons for Newtonian based FTIII

From: Joachim Heck - SunSoft <jheck@E...>
Date: Tue, 6 May 1997 11:26:08 -0400
Subject: Re: Fw: Weapons for Newtonian based FTIII

Phillip E. Pournelle writes:

@:)	    For those who want to track number of burns per missile, I
@:) really don't want to start moving in the direction of SFB.	So the
@:) Standard Newtonian Missiles can thrust for 3 turns, the Mini
@:) Missile for 2 Turns.

  Actually, that is the direction of SFB.  Drones (missiles) in SFB
remain on the board for a certain number of turns (usually 3) after
they've been launched, regardless of any manouvering they may perform
in the interim.  For my money, I'd say each missile gets three thrust
actions because it's far more realistic and actually not much harder
to keep track of than turn of launch.


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