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StarGrunt, DSII and FT# Campeign

From: "Phillip E. Pournelle" <pepourne@n...>
Date: Thu, 1 May 1997 11:20:39 -0400
Subject: StarGrunt, DSII and FT# Campeign

At 04:50 PM 5/1/97 +1000, it Kelvin wrote:
>>Dirt Side II or Star Grunt II (I already play Full Thrust II).
>It all depends on which scale you like to fight in or collect for.

	When I was playtesting a Star Wars Minaitures Battle Scenario
Generator, we ran into the issue of scale.  Now and then we had a
where each side was going to deploy a company's worth of troops.  SWMB
primarily a Squad level game and slows down when you have forces of that
size.  I've played around with a system that steps up the scale from
to Company scale and therefore allows you to do at a macro-scale in a
hours, a game that would normally take a couple days to do at Squad
	The Reason I back a point system for SGII is the translation
to DSII and FT##.  This way we can run Campeigns that run between the
game systems.  Once your fleet has arrived and its time to take the
or maybe its a small outpost...  Now we would be able to choose what
of play we need and have fun.  You could even run a DSII game and then
see a
small pocket (City fight) that you want to play out in SGII scale.  This
means that at all three levels you now can generate victory conditions,
missions etc.
	I would enjoy it immensly if Jon could devote a portion of the
to Campeigns and possibly to this unified point system...
	Phil P.

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