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Re: DS2 - conversion to SG2 style rolls

From: Thomas Heaney <Thomas@k...>
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 1997 13:25:31 -0400
Subject: Re: DS2 - conversion to SG2 style rolls

In article <>, Brendan Pratt
<> writes
> wrote:
>> I quite like the DS2 chit system.  I don't use the actual chits, of
>>  I have a small program that draws 5 random chits with a mouse click.
>> course, the players have to be smart enough to know what their chit
>> validities are, and how many they get for the weapon firing.
>> -- John
>Could I get a copy of your program <pleeeeeze eddie> :->
Iv'e just uploaded onto my web page a Java applet that draws from 1 to 6
chits.	The layout isn't very pretty , but the program works O.K. 

The URL is
after 6 am  Monday 28th April GMT, it takes 12 hours to update)


Thomas Heaney

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