Re: Optional Fighter Movement for FULL THRUST (Very Long Post)
From: "Roger c Gerrish" <roger.gerrish@l...>
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 19:26:39 -0400
Subject: Re: Optional Fighter Movement for FULL THRUST (Very Long Post)
> From: Ground Zero Games <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: Optional Fighter Movement for FULL THRUST (Very Long
> Date: 26 April 1997 11:17
> >Optional Fighter Movement for FULL THRUST (Long Post)
> >
> [SNIP]
> >Apologies for the length of this post but if you have got this far
> >feedback would be welcome,
> >I've play tested these twice now, am I missing anything fundamental
> >
> >Thanks for your time.
> >
> >Roger Gerrish (Nottingham)
> Roger - on first quick read-through I like this a lot! How did it work
> in play, and what overall effects did it have on the game? It might be
> interesting to play a scenario with these rules and then again with
> "regular" fighter rules to check the difference.
> Keep up the good work!
> Thanks,
> Jon (GZG)
Thank you Jon for the comments.
We will be playing again this Monday night and we will try out a
using both systems.
It was'nt too difficult to introduce my fellow players to this system,
we've all played Full Thrust for some time and we had used both the
original and the More Thrust Fighter sequence of play so we were used to
fighters moving both before and after ships. The new mechanics were
up pretty quickly, however it took us longer to the learn and employ the
tactics that these new options gave us.
The player controlling a carrier and its Fighter Groups had to really
carefully about how he used his assets. It soon became clear that if you
kept a strong Reaction Fighter presence around your carrier then it was
much more difficult for an attacking Fighter Force to press home its
attack. The Reaction move of 12" meant that it was possible for the
Fighters to 'defend' not just the carrier but any ships which stayed
to the carrier (Realisically 6" or so). In our games an attacking force
4 Fighter Groups took nearly 50% casualties before it could press home
attack.(this was not on the CV itself but some Cruisers that kept within
the reaction range of some friendly fighters.) If you are using More
options and the Reaction Fighters are 'Interceptors' then the defensive
capability is awesome.
An additional tactic that evolved was the ability to defend distant
In one of the games we played, a carrier was tasked to defend a small
convoy that was on the other side of the table from the carrier itself.
the first turn after launch two fighter groups were moved towards the
convoy in the Standard Fighter Move Phase, a full 24". By the time the
was completed the convoy moving at speed 6 was within 12" of the
At the begining of the next turn the fighters were put on Reaction. The
opposing player now knew that if he moved his fighters in the Standard
Fighter Move Phase to attack the convoy he would have to place his
right inside the reaction range (12") of the defending fighters. The
convoys move of 6" would take it right into that radius.
'Convincing' an opponent that his Fighter groups would be better engaged
Reaction was also a tactic which came about. By boldly moving fighters
to a
position where they would be able to strike next turn usually forced
decisions on the defender as to the status of his fighters. A Fighter
on Reaction is no danger to a ship.
Overall the mechanics for fighters remained reasonably simple yet the
in which you decided to use your fighters becomes much more challenging.
Will continue to work on these rules.
Roger Gerrish (Nottingham)
PS Tks for the tips on putting my NAC Battle Dreadnaught together.