Re: Vectored Thrust (a fairly long post)
From: Stuart <B.S.Murray@n...>
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 11:44:48 -0400
Subject: Re: Vectored Thrust (a fairly long post)
> >
> >Thrust = 6
> >Weapons = 4 C bats, forward arc only
> THey really only have 2 weapons, like the Narn ftr.
OK I havn't seen a lot of B5 recently, but from what I remember the
'Furies seemed to fire quickly. In addition and I'm incredibly biased
toward the EA 'cos I think thier ships look the best.
> >
> >Thrust = 8
> >Weapons = 2 C bats, forward arc only
> >Abilities = Fast (hence 8 thrust)
> My take on them is that they're heavy, and not any faster than
Again these were from what I remembered, although thinking about it I
have mostly seen Furies stooging around one volume and not zipping
the screen so I guess I unconsiously (sp?) thought that most of the
races fighters were faster.
> Centuari fighters, on the other hand... (too bad Galoob didn't make
> any micros of them, too...I won't lament about Galoob not making any
> more B5 figs at all...hey, wait...maybe when the movies come out..??)
I'm toying with the idea of chopping my MM Centauri ship up to make a
fighter, more fun fighting Narn vs Centauri than Narn vs EA !
> >Thrust = 8
> >Weapons = 2 A bats, forward arc, extra Fire Con
> >Abilities = Fast, Agile
> >( the micro machines vorlon ship looks sort of like the fighter).
> You might consider either making them heavy, or giving them
> some 'armor' (I'd go with the 'armor'). Q: why do you give
> it an extra FC?
The A bats shred other fighters, I guess that I wanted to represent the
faster target aquisition/designation that the superior tech would
confer. I must say that I don't use these myself, I prefer
dog-fighting with the Fury rather than standing off and blasting.
Thanks for the input on B5 ships.