Re: Personalities in SGII
From: Barry Cadwgan <bcadwgan@f...>
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 1997 17:48:29 -0400
Subject: Re: Personalities in SGII
Mental note #3: have hole in mind fixed wrote:
> >Darth also gets the d12 close range "crush trachea" weapon...;-)
> >MAN he's cool! (except for when he turns into Uncle Fester at the end
> >of Jedi)
> So how would you deal with annoyingly cute little balls of fur that
> somehow can overcome a company of armed and armored soldiers? ;-)
I'm sure a variety of Myxamitosis could be developed...
Barry Cadwgan ( BCADWGAN@FL.NET.AU )
"The end does not justify the means.
The end is the sum of the means,
as the road travelled determines the destination."
Valijon Starbringer (Hellflower Trilogy, Eluki bes Shahar)