RE: space ship models, K'r'a'v'a'k'
From: "Rutherford, Michael" <MRutherf@n...>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 21:38:00 -0400
Subject: RE: space ship models, K'r'a'v'a'k'
>The best looking official FT ships are, in my opinion, the Kra'vak.
>Do any of you buy those ships and use 'em as regular ship miniatures,
>not using the special rules? That's my intention. I bought some
>destroyers and a heavy cruiser last night, and I see that my RL
>tanks are going to be smaller than I thought--I was hoping they'd
>get me through the cruiser range. I'll have to look at the rules
>to see what sort of mass these guys are supposed to be, even if
>I don't use their Kra'vak rules. But the rules are packed away,
>so I guess I'll do that in a few weeks.
I bought the 2 books and a fleet in Jan. Looking over the catalogues I
thought the Kra'Vak models looked the best so I got them... only to find
out 10 mins later that "they are too overpowered so nobody plays them".
I promptly decided to redesign them using human tech. I used
predominately Pulse Torpedoes as the long spars of the Kra'Vak ships
seemed to insist on them :-).
Michael "Wargh" Rutherfurd